This compliance, though inadequate, was sufficient to raise Manfred’s hopes. He trusted that his power and wealth would easily advance his suit at the court of Rome, whither he resolved to engage Frederic to take a journey on purpose. That Prince had discovered so much passion for Matilda, that Manfred hoped to obtain all he wished by holding out or withdrawing his daughter's charms, according as the Marquis should appear more or less disposed to co-operate in his views.
This is a sentence from "The Castle of Otranto." And I'm confused as to how I should understand this sentence structure. It starts with that and again it's followed by "that"(that Manfred hoped to...) Since I can't understand this structure of these sentences I have difficulty interpreting what it actually means. (Especially the part "by holding out or withdrawing his daughter's charms")
Can you explain and help me understand what it means? Thank you!