Is there a synonym for "just as how" or "similar to how"?

For instance, in the sentence,

Just as how crabs can live in water, they can also live on land.


Similar to how crabs can live in water, they can also live on land.

The above sentences are meant to be an example. I know there are many different ways to phrase it, but I'm specifically looking for a synonym for "just as how" and "Similar to how".

Thanks in advance

  • How is not used as a relative pronoun any more. Instead, that or Zero is used. Since a manner adverb can't be the subject, it can always be deleted as a relative pronoun, and that process has gone to completion with how. It's almost there with why, which can only appear as a relative pronoun in clauses modifying the noun reason. If you're looking for a free-relative substitute for *similar to how S, try similar to the way (that) S. Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 14:40

2 Answers 2


"While" is a good word to indicate a contradiction in thought.

While crabs can live in water, they can also live on land.


"Even as" sounds about right to my mid-western ears.

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