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Questions tagged [particle-shift]

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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"split it down" meaning in business context

I came across this in the Business Advantage listening. Two parties, Y being the manufacturer and X the distributor, are discussing the issue of whose responsibility stockouts are. Here is the ...
Phi Kay's user avatar
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Is "read back through the logs" a valid use of the phrasal verb?

Can "back" split the phrasal verb like this to emphasize that one is going through the logs in reverse chronological order? In general, is splitting phrasal verbs a good idea?
Olga Isakova's user avatar
-2 votes
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“... takes as input ...” vs “... takes input as ...”

Why did the author place "as" between the verb take and the preposition here? Give an efficient algorithm that takes as input a desired accuracy ϵ > 0 and returns a simple cycle C for which r(C)≥ r*...
Dmomo's user avatar
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