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Pronunciation: ah, oh, etc

English vowels have several pronunciations so when people try to explain how to pronounce foreign words (without IPA, which is what they should be using ;-)) they add lots of silent Hs and hyphens, e....
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What's this notation for marking up pronunciation?

What's this notation for marking up pronunciation? analgesic: ann-ull-JEE-zick What's a good introductory article or book to learn it?
qazwsx's user avatar
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Is there any way to convey a certain pronunciation in the English language?

Take the sentence: I want to give you the best customer experience possible. How can I change a part of the sentence so that the "the" is pronounced as "thee"?
David G's user avatar
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“ē” and “iː”: I want a tutorial

My English textbook use “iː”, and I find some online dictionaries use “ē”. Where can I find information about this phonics system?
lovespring's user avatar
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Are there different types of Pronunciation Guides?

In dictionaries you'll often see a pronunciation guide next to words like (bakery would be beɪkəri). Are there different standards of these pronunciation guides? Also, where can I learn how to ...
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