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5 answers

Non-offensive version of the word "mongol"? [closed]

I want to describe a person or group of thugs who cause damage without concern for science or culture. I had written down "mongol behavior", in reference to the Mongol invasion. Is there an all-...
CaptainCodeman's user avatar
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What is the opposite of reappropriation?

Reappropriation is the cultural process by which a group reclaims terms or artifacts that were previously used in a way disparaging of that group. The phrase social justice warrior appears to have ...
gerrit's user avatar
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What is a word to describe a statement that seems meaningless

Is there a phrase or word in the English language that describes a statement or a discourse that seems meaningless or so broad it lacks value? For example Society grows best when those who plant ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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Is "jipped" a politically incorrect word?

I recently read a line of chat conversation, where somebody said: … get jipped by some guy … A different user construed this as "casual racism", even though the whole conversation ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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Has the suffix "-trix" acquired a pejorative meaning in recent years?

A couple days ago I needed the correct word for a female aviator, which I figured was aviatress. A search provided aviatress, aviatrice and aviatrix as acceptable choices. ...
tylerharms's user avatar
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How do words become derogatory or politically incorrect?

I know how words can become racist but I'm not sure how a word becomes derogatory or politically incorrect. If seems as though once one does, a new term is created to replace it that is not derogatory ...
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