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Style Question: Use of “we” vs. “I” vs. passive voice in a dissertation
Use of “I”, “we” and the passive voice in a scientific thesis
For my thesis project, I have decided to always use "we" instead of "I". What do you think of this decision? To me, it seems more common out there to use "we". In addition, using "I" sounds somewhat ... egoistic.
However, there are cases where I want to stress that I myself, the author, has to do with something.
For instance. It would seem rather unnatural to say "It is our opinion that...", because in many cases when using “we”, it is really both the author and the reader that are doing something together. Do you think it's okay in these cases to say "It is the opinion of this author that…"?
So the question is basically twofold:
Is using “we” throughout, to mean interchangeably myself, or myself and the reader both together?
When I want to stress myself, can I use “this author”?
Feel free to add further thoughts.