Which prepositions should I use here ?
Working hours duration time should be below/under the one defined in/on parameter default.time.
Here the context was about programming languages parameters.
Which prepositions should I use here ?
Working hours duration time should be below/under the one defined in/on parameter default.time.
Here the context was about programming languages parameters.
In terms of language, I would go for:
Working hours duration time should be below that defined by parameter default.time.
If you do mean the value (please see my comment on your question), then you need
Working hours should be less than those defined by parameter default.time.
Jun 19, 2012 at 22:09
There are many possibilities, including ones you haven't asked about. When I document software I've written, I like to use as few simple words as possible.
Working hours duration time should be less than the value of the parameter
I'm a little concerned about "working hours duration time". I suspect that "time" is not needed, and an apostrophe is:
Working hours' duration should be...
Use "below" and "of parameter".
There is no need to say "....duration time....", duration is time. "Duration of working hours should be..." is sufficient ("working hours duration" sounds awkward).
As a programmer, I prefer using symbolic representations: "working hours must be < [default.time]" but that's just me.
I would use:
Working hours duration time should be below that defined in parameter default.time.
You could use under, but the context indicates below to mean lower, rather than under, which has connotations of physically being underneath.
A definition is in a parameter, not on it.