I have on the tip of my tongue some phrase that captures part of the meanings “polishing a turd”, “feature creep”, and “tits on a boarhog” but I can't quite recall it.
The phrase I'm looking for is—most importantly—different from “turd polishing” because that phrase implies the project is valueless so any improvements are irrelevant and a waste of time, whereas the phrase I'm looking for has no such implication.
It's different from “feature creep” because that phrase strongly implies that the improvements in question will increase technical debt or support costs, possibly drastically, the longer they're allowed to continue, whereas the phrase I'm looking for doesn't imply anything in either direction about efficiency gains from the improvements.
It differs from from “tits on a boarhog” in that that phrase implies that the features are historic accidents, not crafted by a person, and entirely worthless as they stand. By contrast, the phrase I'm looking for refers specifically to features which are currently in the process of being added, and designed by a (connotatively implied to be overenthusiastic) intelligence, and, while the improvements in this case likely have some value, this value is not recognized by the current stakeholders (and the phrase carries absolutely no connotation condemning the stakeholders for their priorities; if anything, it has a moderate negative connotation against the worker engaging in such frivolities).
What is the term for spontaneously adding improvements to some project, especially a group effort or an industrial project— improvements which may (or may not) be well crafted, but that exceed the consensus requirements irrelevantly?