Often when you look for some new word in a dictionary, you will find many definitions or meanings of the one word.
For example when you look for a word to in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary you will find the sorted list of 18 possible meanings of the word.
The easier part of the question: The words are sorted according to what? The word frequencies? Is meaning number 1 is most often used?
The harder part of the question: Is there a dictionary evaluating each item of the list (of meanings) with percentage?
For example for the word to it would look like:
in the direction of something; towards something (in 60 % of meanings)
to the something (of something) located in the direction mentioned from something (in 22 % of meanings)
as far as something (in 10 % of meanings)
... (in 5 % of meanings)
... (in 1 % of meanings)
... (in 0.3 % of meanings)
18 ... (in 0.0001 of meanings)
If such a dictionary does not exist and you know about some research about this, you can cite such a source.