When kids play with hand puppets and they act different roles, is it correct to call such games "role playing games," or is there any other, better word for it.
Thanks, Tommy.
When kids play with hand puppets and they act different roles, is it correct to call such games "role playing games," or is there any other, better word for it.
Thanks, Tommy.
The word is puppetry or puppet-play
puppet-playing - The action of staging a puppet play; puppetry.
- Puppetry is a form of theatre or performance that involves the manipulation of puppets – inanimate objects, often resembling some type of human or animal figure, that are animated or manipulated by a human called a puppeteer. Such a performance is also known as a puppet play. (from Wikipedia)
If you're looking for a generic term, I have usually heard these types of games (children acting out different roles, with or without props like dolls or puppets) called "playing pretend". "Role-playing game" is almost exclusively used for structured games typically played by adults.