In English there is a similar idiom "like flies to manure". Apparently use of the word "sh..." is frowned upon as slang, but I have heard it said both ways. Yes, the image rendered is disgusting and the idiom has negative connotations.
You could use something related to bees instead of flies like "make
a beeline" to something. I have also seen "like bees to honey"
but it is not referenced as much.
And, I do have to add the idiomatic usages of "flock" and "swarm". People can
and will flock or swarm to an attraction or other events. "Every tourist season they just swarm in to town".
Otherwise it is hard to include the idiomatic property of "flying"
to something, but perhaps you could use the word "magnet" to
describe where people would be forcefully drawn to (fly toward) a
thing or event. Similarly, if something is a "center of
attraction" it implies powerful drawing properties that could
attract a mob. This also has the same relationship that "sh..." has to