I'm looking for an English equivalent for the German verb 'wandeln', in the case where it expresses (a person's) movement from one place to another, while also denoting transformation/change.
An example of this could be used in a scene where a young woman, utterly devastated by a recent break-up or other tragic event, moves herself from the couch to the window on an ordinary weekday afternoon. Her outward existence in this world reduced to the bare few monotonous chores demanded of her to exist. She stares at the clock for hours on end, and when the postman comes her face is void of any expression, and her eyes seem to just stare through any person facing her, as if there was nobody there.
So, is there a verb that could be used instead of 'move/move herself' that would subtly hint at 'transformation/change'.
She altered from the couch to the window? She transformed from the couch to the window?
I'm quite sceptical of the examples above, but translations websites I tried didn't come up with much either. Here's an example of the translations I found: http://dict.leo.org/german-english/wandeln
I hope someone can help me out, any help is much appreciated!