Could someone point out for me that which of the following choices is accurate?

  • Even though I understand that my comments were offensive, you should cut me a break because I only meant them (joking/jokingly).

First, I picked "joking" but it turned out that the answer key told the answer was "jokingly". As a result, I got flummoxed because I thought that the meaning of the word "meant" in the above sentence was exactly similar to the word "considered"; hence according to my thought, the answer should have been "joking". Anyway, could somebody explain this situation for me explicitly? I will appreciate any help from you guys!

  • 1
    meant here does not mean considered but rather intended to be taken as in “I only intended them to be taken as a joke” thus jokingly
    – Jim
    Commented Sep 6, 2016 at 5:40

2 Answers 2


I only meant them jokingly.

How did you mean them? Jokingly.

A lot of adverbs can be easily identified by asking yourself how, in which manner/degree, etc.


Adverb describes verbs -

Even though I understand that my comments were offensive(verb), you should cut me a break because I only meant them jokingly(adverb).

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