For an online issue tracker of a programming language, which takes community suggestions, I need a one to three word 'label' to mark suggestions and proposals which the core design and development team have decided not to implement or address, both currently, and most likely in the near and far future as well.
The current label is "Declined". However, I have expressed that I find it inappropriate for several reasons:
It excessively highlights the particular issuer and their personal appeal rather than the idea or concept at hand, which may be more general than the one as presented.
Not all community suggestions are actual 'proposals'. Some are simply expressions of needs or reports of particular problems with only a vague idea of the desired resolution provided. It is also very common that the proposed solution is not very well-researched or engineered.
Too "final" and "verdict-like". Doesn't leave enough room for future reconsideration.
It doesn't feel very friendly and creates a somewhat harsh atmosphere.
Finding an alternative term turned out to be very hard. My initial instinct was "Unplanned", however it was seen as ambiguous as it may also be read as "Unscheduled". The ideal term, unlike "Unplanned", should be strictly and unambiguously read as "Not intended or likely to happen" rather than "Not set on if or when it is likely to happen".
Most reasonable options so far:
"No Foreseeable Plans" (inspired by some of the commentary here - best one so far, I think).
"No Prospective Plans" (seems close so far in terms of capturing the intended semantics, but I believe there could be a more 'elegant' and/or shorter way to express this)
"No Prospective Intentions" (another one that's quite good in terms of semantics but just doesn't feel "elegant" enough to me)
"Not Currently Planned" (could still be misinterpreted as "Not Currently Scheduled")
"No Future Plans" (too vague)
"No Design Team Interest" (too long, somewhat different semantically than the previous ones)
"No Design Team Approval" (too long, not that different from "Declined")
Any better ideas?