While discussing What does "I was had" mean? I've found there are some not so common usages of had in English like:

I have/had been had

(meaning "to get fooled")

but further Google search exposed even constructions like

I am been had

or even

I am had

and of course

I was had

from the question above. Are all of those grammatically correct? Can you give me some usage examples?

1 Answer 1


I am been had

This is a very odd construction. Of the four hits that Google offers two are obvious solecisms and one is a double that uses it as a literal translation from another language.

I am had

This is also awkward. Possibly it had a use once, but today it would be at least archaic if not downright wrong.

I was had.

Along with "I've been had," this is acceptable grammatically and means the speaker was swindled or deceived by someone.

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