I'm currently struggling to clearly state the following situation:
Background: Let's assume I have two newspaper articles A and B. Let's say I want to count how often a specific word (for instance bird) occurs in A and in B. For instance, the word bird appears 5 times in article A, but only 3 times in article B. I'm trying to express that bird occurs 3 times in both (so at a minimum of 3 times in each article) and that bird appears 2 times (2=5-3) more in article A than in article B. Let's assume that bird is only a special case and that I'm actually looking for animal names and want to count the number of word occurences for different words as well. I intentionally don't want to refer to the articles A and B by name, because bird may be more frequent in article A, but dog might appear more often in article B.
My current wording is:
For each animal, we count how often it occurs in both articles and how often it occurs more in one article than in the other.
- Does ''how often it occurs in both articles'' really mean that it occurs individually in article A and in article B? Or can this wording be confused with in total, like summing up the occurances in both articles?
- Is there a better way to express ''how often it occurs more in one article than in the other''. I dislike ''occurs more'' and ''than in the other''. Does anyone have an alternative formulation for this sentence?
I hope my question fits on this site as word choice and usage. I doesn't seem to fit to Writers.SE.
Edit based on the comments: Sorry, I was unable to properly explain the context. I do have a machine learning background and I was trying to generalize a bag-of-words model in my explanation. I do have a fixed vocabulary of words and try to count their appearances in two different articles. It is possible that a word from the vocabulary doesn't occur in any of the two articles. Try to think of the for each animal as an iteration over all words in the vocabulary.