He is tired of that work


He is tired from that work.

I think the two sentences are almost the same.

If there is any difference, could anyone explain?

  • 1
    tired of something = fed up with something, bored with something, no longer interested in something; tired from something = (physically or emotionally) tired because of something
    – Andriy M
    Commented Dec 3, 2015 at 9:29
  • While I would agree with the overall explanations given, "tired from" just sounds like non-standard and klunky English. Instead, something more like "exhausted by", "worn out from" would sound better.
    – A.Ellett
    Commented Dec 3, 2015 at 22:31

3 Answers 3


"Tired of" suggests to me that the person has done enough of that particular work and does not wish to do any more. Perhaps that will change when they've had a break from it, or perhaps they no longer want to do it ever again, but in either case it's an expression of their attitude toward the work, not (necessarily) to how arduous the work is.

"Tired from" suggests that the work has been exhausting and their body or mind has become tired as a result of doing it, but that doesn't mean that they no longer enjoy the work.

Consider the example of chopping wood. Some people (myself included) enjoy a bit of good, hard physical labour that gets the blood flowing and builds the muscles. (Especially if you're in a white collar role and get to do it infrequently.) If I haven't done it for a while and am out of condition I find that I get tired FROM doing it much earlier than I would get tired OF doing it.

In other words "tired of" is more a question of attitude, "tired from" more a question of exertion.

  • 10
    If you're tired from chopping wood, you take a nap. If you're tired of chopping wood, you get a chainsaw.
    – cjm
    Commented Dec 3, 2015 at 20:16
  • @cjm: But where's the fun in that?? {Remembers the last time I used my chainsaw...} Ah, good point. (Though chainsaws do tend to be a rather blunt instrument for the production of kindling, if one may use the word "blunt" in the most counter-intuitive and metaphorical fashion imaginable.)
    – Alan K
    Commented Dec 4, 2015 at 20:26

In my opinion,

He is tired from that work.

denotes physical activity and / or a state of fatigue.


He is tired of that work

denotes being fed up and / or the desire to stop the work.

  • Physical activity is not necessary, fatigue is the key.
    – biziclop
    Commented Dec 3, 2015 at 12:53

"He is tired of that work" means, "He is tired of doing that type of work"; e. g., "He is tired of filing paperwork in folders all day, because it seems to him to be tedious and meaningless work."

"He is tired from that work" means, "He is tired from the physical difficulty of doing that work"; such as, "He is tired from lifting heavy pieces of concrete all day."

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