No, they are not grammatically wrong. The first two, especially, are just unclear and are confusing the reader. The logic of the actions is not transparent.
E.g., we are not sure whether he still carries the cup of coffee in his hands while running for the bus.
Or whether, alternatively, he stood up, took a last sip, placed the cup on the table (or threw it to the ground, being /nervous/on edge/), and starting running.
The reader is not helped to visualize the scene or to feel the emotions or thinking of the character. Surely, that might come in other sentences. Cf:
McClure's Magazine ... - Volume 50 - Page 20 1917
He ate the sandwich and drank the coffee. Then he got up. The ague
was gone. He was going out of this sordid hole forever. He was
through. But he stopped at the bar for a moment. He couldn't go
away without saying a word to Mary,
The last one is not wrong in terms of the above, it's clear; it's just bland, not original, writing. Read Nabokov, Lectures of Literature, to understand what great writing is all about from one of the masters. You'll have to read several great novels in the process:-)
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