My name is Venkatesh MG. M stands for the name of my birth place, which begins with M, and G is an initial derived from my father's name.
Since school, I have been using only these two variations of my names:
- Venkatesh MG (Almost all the time)
- Venkatesh M G (rarely)
But recently, I've been told that the general style rule is to use periods between the initials: Venkatesh M.G.
I am about to publish a children's book. I'd like to use my name without the periods, as I want it that way. I also like the style where there is no periods between the initials.
Is it okay if I continue using Venkatesh MG as my name?
MG Venkatesh
looks odd to my Indian/German/Canadian friends. Most of them say that omitting periods is not a problem at all.