The Wiktionary lists under the meanings of paraxial:
- (mathematics) Parallel to one or more axes of the coordinate system
paraxial rectangle
The respective information was added without any reference and given the following reasons I am skeptical about it.
Para means close to and similar, not parallel, which is for example reflected in another meaning:
- (physics) Near an optical axis
paraxial radiation
On the other hand, I am aware that the actual use of a word may depart from its etymology.
- (physics) Near an optical axis
- Other dictionaries do not report paraxial meaning axis-parallel, but this may be due to the term being rather rare and technical (some dictionaries don’t contain paraxial at all).
My question thus is: Is paraxial actually used in the meaning of axis-parallel by some communities? Be aware that in many contexts, close to the axis may imply axis-parallel or almost axis-parallel. Relatedly, I am interested in uses of paraxial for something that is parallel but not close to an axis.
"paraxial rectangle"
seem to be dominated by Wiktionary clones and German resources. As for the latter: A popular German–English online dictionary lists paraxial as a translation of achsenparallel, with the latter literally meaning axis-parallel, but this may have very-well be originated from said Wiktionary entry and would not be the first mistake they made.