The context is that I am developing a web application, in which there's the concept of allowing one party to request to borrow items from another party. Up to this point, we have been calling it "borrowing request". I want to call it "borrow request" because it's short, but then it sounds a bit awkward to my ears.

Q: Can I call it "borrow request"? If not, is "borrowing request" as concise as it gets? Thanks.

  • 1
    I think 'use request' may be an alternative: books.google.com/ngrams/…
    – user66974
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 8:49
  • Thank you, @Josh61, that's something that we have never thought about. We will consider it. Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 17:58

1 Answer 1


"Borrow request" is not correct, but in the context of a game people will understand what you mean.

"Loan request" is an alternative that is shorter than "borrowing request" and more common books.google.com/ngrams...

Although "loan" is often used when talking about money, it is not restricted to that context.

If you want to borrow a book and your local library does not have it, you put in an Interlibrary loan request.


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