I checked several dictionaries and googled and checked previous biased-related questions here including Is it "biased towards" or "biased against"?, Word for being biased "towards the other direction"?, What do you call a person who is regionally biased? (unrelated),

Moreover, subscription-only LDOCE says:

biased (adj.):

  1. unfairly preferring one person or group over another:
    Of course I'm biased, but I thought my daughter's paintings were the best.
    racially biased attitudes.

    biased against/towards/in favour of
    news reporting that was heavily biased towards the government

  2. more interested in a particular thing than in another: biased towards
    The majority of infants are biased towards being social rather than being antisocial.

OED says:

biase (v.): To give a bias or one-sided tendency or direction to; to incline to one side; to influence, affect (often unduly or unfairly).,
biased: Influenced; inclined in some direction; unduly or unfairly influenced; prejudiced.

But I still can't understand the meaning of the following sentence:

I appreciate that you took the time to contact me. You are great in my opinion! But then I am very biased in your favour!

Does the sentence imply that:

a. The person saying this, is somewhat being unrealistically nice at their own expression of the addressee being great (in a negative way); or

b. Do they mean that they're not great enough to be able to return the favor (in a positive way being keen on the addressee's greatness)?

I also notice that LDOCE uses "favour" rather than favor, which probably indicates that this usage is British only?


3 Answers 3


It simply means that the speaker is acknowledging that he/she is in awe of the addressee and so might be more generous in their compliments.


Biased means prejudiced.

You can have prejudices against someone or in favour of someone.

He is simply saying: I think you are great, but I acknowledge I am not objective. That's all.


One word to define "biased in someone's favor" is pro.

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