This is just another example in my opinion of the power of traditions and conformity when it comes to how a society inadvertently allows themselves to be ruled by groupthink. Profanity and its use have always been a bit of a mystery to me. As a child, you’re told that this and other certain words are very bad and never to be said! Why do people say this? Easy, because that is what they were told as children. And so on and so forth generation after generation of passing down a thought or belief in or about something that they have no real understanding of. “This is what you do. This is what you don’t do. Don’t ask me why it’s just the way it is”.
Social conditioning can be a nearly impossible thing to be able to see and move beyond. People generally don’t want to hear something that goes against what has been ingrained into their minds throughout their lives. They reject it or view it as strange or misguided. Which suggests that most people are not really seekers of truth nor hope to find the deeper understanding for why they or others do the things they do. Who can blame them, right? It is so much easier to ignore than to explore.
I’m not an advocate for the use of profanity. To me, the whole concept is rather juvenile. Do we really need to have words that only “adults” can use? What kind of example does that set? Does it help a person in some way feel like they are being heard, taken seriously, or seen as an adult? Having a seven-year-old daughter who is just now being exposed by way of school and her friends to the world of profanity and the whole middle finger absurdity, it will be my pleasure for us to sit down and have deep and meaningful discussions in order for her to learn to think for herself, understand the issues, and to not just follow along with what others are saying or believe.
It truly hurts me to be witness to yet another generation being indoctrinated into a whole slew of misguided and essentially ridiculous rules and traditions that have long since lost their meaning. To a world that values and encourages original thought and the pursuit of truth, transparency, and clear concise communication for the sake of being understood… For me, the use of profanity accomplishes none of these things. Yes, it will get you noticed for a moment on the playground of life, but I ask you, to what useful end does it really serve our long-term prosperity?