Here's the context, somebody has written this:

Quiet workplace... then - all of a sudden, a loud voice; complaints, criticism, aggressiveness. Everyone's attention is drawn to an argument - and sometimes the spotlight is on the person being publicly executed.

And I want to say something like, 'That paragraph is a bit melodramtic and [uses creative writing for the sake of being entertaining to read], could you edit it to tell us what actually happened?'.

  • 2
    You could use "bombastic", "verbose", "flowery" or even "pompous". Commented Jan 8, 2014 at 20:59
  • 1
    purple prose is so extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw excessive attention to itself. Commented Jan 8, 2014 at 23:27

1 Answer 1


Perhaps theatrical

characteristic of the theater; dramatic; esp. (in disparagement), melodramatic, histrionic, showy, or affected


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