I am designing a Knowledge base system for automotive terms and issues.. I have to define reference term in my database for each element in web admin panel(CMS) And I am a bit lost with finding a proper generic term for an item which consists of the Knowledge Base usually.
So the question is what a generic Knowledge Base consisting of? (Is that correct question?)
Is it an article? A topic? An item? A subject?
Firstly I thought to use "item" but to me an Item is something real.. something you can touch..
So I though a term "article" would be more close..
But article is kind of mmm... too article.. hehe :) I don't how to correctly describe what I don't like about it.
So my best bet would be probably on "Topic"
Then all elements would be referenced as "Topic Image", "Topic Title", "Topic Description"
Does that make sense?
EDIT: The purpose of the question is not how to name my functions or IDs in my program design, but more about a proper term usage and their correct meaning for each particular case.. So I believe this question is more about english grammar and terminology rather than UX or programming. In this topic I am trying to learn the usage of these terms. And in future apply this knowledge in different areas such as conversations, writings, and programming.
My apology if it looks too confusing at first.