While I am no expert, I can think of a few substitutions.
Boss (I use this word a lot):
Man, that guy's a badass!
Man, that guy's a boss!
Epic guy/gal/man/woman/etc. (Though I find epic overused):
He is a badass!
He is an epic fella!
Kingly figure:
The badass strove towards the sun, away from the explosion.
The kingly figure strove towards the sun, away from the explosion.
Sadly, though, I do not believe queenly figure would work for the opposite gender. It does not seem to carry the same mental heftiness as the term badass: it has a more soothing connotation, at least to me.
I want to add a bit more, as a result of a meta conversation I just had.
Kingly figure may not be a perfect fit for you, depending on the usage you are going for. I thought it would fit well since you mentioned authority in your definition of badass, which a king certainly has. If you are focusing more on someone who is an "on the edge" kind of person, though, then you probably want one of the other two suggestions in my answer.
For added reference, here is the definition of kingly I referenced, from the free dictionary. I hooked mainly onto the idea of being majestic and regal as leading to a naturally authoritative presence.