If "id" is your subject as I think it is... AND "of node" is a prepositional (adjective) phrase answering the would-be question:
Q. Which id is it? The "node" Id.
Then the rest of the sentence can be written this way because it is "further" describing the Id of node using another adjective phrase:
"The id of node, for which the program is currently creating blocks."
Adding "the" is needed for clarity & is clearer.
This is to convey your idea of:
You: It's the id.
Q: Which id?
A: The id of node?
Q. What id of node? there are two or more.
A: The one [id of node] that the program is currently creating blocks for.
If this is your idea, then that is the best & most clear way I would write it. Again I would make it read:
"The id of node, for which the program is currently creating blocks.