I am updating my curriculum vitae, and there is a section where I list my experience with several technologies and programming languages. I would like to group my experience in two categories; namely, technologies with which I have long experience, and those with which I have relatively basic (yet, not elementary) experience.

Currently I am listing my experience as follows:

  1. 20+ years of experience with X and Y
  2. Some experience with W and Z

However, some experience sounds ambiguous and I think gives the impression that my experience with W and Z is quite elementary. I do have some experience with W and Z but not enough to call it "broad". What would be a good or proper qualifier for such skills?

3 Answers 3


It depends on the nature of your experience:

  • You could measure it in years, just like the rest of your experience.
  • I've seen people use small bar graphs for each skill to indicate how well they know each ability.
  • You could reword your other items and say you have substantial experience with them and just experience with the lesser-known items.
  • You could say you have working knowledge of the lesser-known items.
  • I feel that the last two is most relevant here. In years could be misleading (as an example, I have longer experience with C++ than VB, but I have by far more experience with VB, because that is what I have mainly worked with. I have only done some occational bug fixing in C++)
    – awe
    Commented Feb 2, 2011 at 13:55

You could say:

Moderate experience with W and Z

or switch it up a little:

Sound working knowledge of W and Z

which implies that you know enough to be useful in most practical cases.


I would recommend the following:

Experience with X and Y.

Exposure to W and Z.

However, you may want to up the scale a bit, in which case I would suggest

Expertise in X and Y.

Experience with W and Z.

This indicates that while you do have experience/working knowledge (more so than "exposure" would imply), you have not mastered the technologies/languages. It's made clearer by the use of "Expertise" with X and Y, since, if you were as skilled with W and Z as with X and Y, you would have called that "expertise" as well.

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