Sorry for the dumb question.

If I have couple of sentences that describe my idea, should I use the first or the second phrase or neither of them ;)

Any insight and grammar references are very welcome!


My friends and I are doing this service. We use it every day and want to spread some words about. I want to help you to understand the main idea of the service and give an insight on how to start.

  • would it be possible to give a little more context to your sentences? The second one seems ungrammatical, but even the first one is not very clear
    – Paola
    Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 0:05

2 Answers 2


Try using "spread the word around".

  • +1. I am sure this is what OP was looking for, even if he didn't know it. Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 15:39

I still don't understand what you mean; however, if you are interested in letting people know about your service and how to use it, I'd say that you want to spread the word about or perhaps spread the news about your service.

Normally you shouldn't use "some" with a countable noun, and in your sentence it does not sound right even with a plural form.

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