I am a software engineer writing comments about the behavior of a certain section of code. While doing this, I found myself wanting to express an idea that I couldn't figure out how word in a sensical manner.

The sentence in question is as follows, and concerns the use of Past Progressive arrive using has been:

This is an event that happens when a device is detected as having been arrived (e.g. plugged in)

I know the approach above is grammatically incorrect. A few other attempts are:

[A]... is detected as having recently arrived ...

[B]... is detected as arrived ...

[C]... is detected that is in the "arrived" state ...

[A] is my favorite option so far but something about the wording still feels off, like it needs a been before arrived. [B] appears to grammatically incorrect, though it is more succinct. [C], while grammatically correct, seems unnecessarily verbose and "robotic".

Note: Due to external requirements, the usage of the word "arrive" is necessary

What is the correct way to word that something is just recently present, using the word "arrived"?

Edit 1: As an example, the syntax I am attempting to emulate is as follows:

This is an event that happens when a device is detected as having been removed (e.g. unplugged)

Edit 2: Rewording the statement, rather than keeping the sentence structure in my example, is certainly acceptable. The main requirement is the usage of arrive.

Edit 2.1: Correcting the "which" vs "that" grammar error present in the initial example and initial question as pointed out by @tinfoil hat

  • This is probably "...is detected as having arrived". That is, it is now present when previously it wasn't; it has arrived. Arrive isn't conjugated with be these days: "I am arrived" is distinctly archaic.
    – Andrew Leach
    Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 19:20
  • Interesting. It sounds, to me, like there is something.... "missing" with that wording (hence the addition of "recently" in [A]). Though that feeling may just be because I am unused to using "arrived" in this context. Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 19:25
  • 1
    The issue with having arrived and having been removed is that remove is transitive and can form the passive, and arrive is intransitive and cannot.
    – Andrew Leach
    Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 19:27
  • Unfortunately the example you're trying to follow establishes a pretty ungainly pattern. If you could rephrase as something like: "This is an event which happens when the removal of a devise is detected" or "This is an event which happens when X detects that a devise has been removed" you'd be in a better position. "Is detected as having been removed" is already unnatural.
    – Juhasz
    Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 19:31
  • @Juhasz That is actually a great alternative. Your suggested wording is certainly within my external requirements.... Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 19:34

1 Answer 1


It looks like that you must use "arrive" for your example.

If you must use 'arrive', I would say: This is an event that happens if detection be arrived at the device.

I used the verb be as a subjunctive mood(the present subjunctive).

  • I appreciate the answer. However, your solution appears to introduce more grammatical errors than it solves, so I cannot accept it as correct. Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 21:23
  • Hmm. You can describe what is grammatically wrong? (actually arrive is an intransitive verb which can't be used as be+pp GRAMATICALLY.) But in real world it is used by news makers sometimes to make some effect. Furthermore, you must USE "ARRIVE"
    – gomadeng
    Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 21:31
  • While you appear to have a good grasp on the technicalities of English, you seem to lack in execution. You have the right idea, technically, on how to rework my example. However, everything after "if", in your answer, has all the hallmarks of a non-native english speaker. Using "be" instead of "is". "Arrived" is intransitive and cannot receive the action from a verb. "detection ... at the device" is nonsensical in this context. Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 21:41
  • However, I am by no means an expert on the English language... which is why I posted the question in the first place. Regardless of the technical correctness of your answer, in my case your answer obscures the meaning I am wanting to convey and I am better off using any of my initial suggestions, at least for my intended audience. Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 21:47

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