After a month's attendance, I noticed how the teacher used a recurring approach to introduce some of the key words.

I'm trying to convey that the teacher used this particular method repeatedly across her lessons, is "recurring" a suitable word?

  • 3
    You could simply say that the teacher used the same approach during all the lesson.
    – user 66974
    Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 15:21
  • 1
    More natural would be ...used a consistent approach. Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 15:59

2 Answers 2


No recurring is definitely not the word you are looking for...

i think the a semi-official term is "repetitive method"



Your phrase implies that the approach, even if taken only once, was in some way recurrent. Instead I understand that all you want to say is that the teacher repeatedly used the same method.

More natural would be ...used a consistent approach. – FumbleFingers 2 hours ago

Shameless reputation stealing from comment answers is very much encouraged by the rules. However, I'm personally a bit puzzled by the missing semantic link from "to consist", and I assume it's closer to insist, resist (hesitate? As a second language learner I often said ?hesistant, but always fumbled when forming the verb).

I suppose consistent in this sense originally meant fitting, selected to fit, joined, if the German nouns Konsistenz [1] ~ Zusammensetzung [2] are any indication: zusammensetzen means "set together, assemble, sit together"; also cp concept, conceptual, conceived.

After all, the that's saying more than is intended. But it is undeniably idiomatic as it goes.

1: Konsitenz - the structure of a thing, e.g. of food, which may be creamy, chewy, gnarly, chunky, ... One might say my answer lacks any Konsistenz, because it runs like liquid through a sieve.

2: Zusammensetzung - "consistency, composition, structure"; not to be confused with Zusammensellung "composition, compilation".

I have to refer back to your phrase, because, in fact, learning thrives in recurrence. In some sense, a recurrent method makes sense. At first, introduction seems to be a one-shot that can't be repeated, or divided. However, teaching also involves teaching the methods, not just the results (give a man a fish and he will be fine for a day, teach him to fish and he will be fine for much longer).

My above allusion to togetherness, assemblage, collection fits also in the sense that assemble as well as Ger zusammen, sammeln mightbreflect PIE *sem- "together; one"; assemble as well as sammeln also mean "to collected", so a sense of selected becomes apparent. However, drawing from German einheitlich, which describes a consistently applied method, akin to Einheit "unit" (ein- is "one; a, an"), then consider all of dict.cc's translations, some of which fit better than others:

    consistent {adj}
coherent {adj} [consistent]     
uniform {adj}       
unified {adj}   
homogeneous {adj}   
unitary {adj}   
uniformly {adv} [unvaryingly]   
consistently {adv} [uniformly]  
even {adj}  
integrative {adj}   
single {adj} [unitary]  
standardized {adj}  
standardised {adj} [Br.]    
*lawspec.* unital {adj} 
unitarily {adv}

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