The sentence is:

This implies there might be a certain degree of __________ for outbound flows.

I want to say "relaxation" but that sounds to evocative of sitting on the sofa watching tv kind of relaxation. Is there a better choice that has a similar meaning as relaxation but is implying a regulatory context?

  • 1
    What is needed is more in the way of context. The most appropriate word might, for all we know BE 'relaxation'. It is a perfectly normal word to express, for example, the reduction of restrictions. So we need is of what the flows might be relaxed, please.
    – Tuffy
    Commented May 8, 2019 at 16:15

1 Answer 1


Leeway. Merriam-Webster:

2 : an allowable margin of freedom or variation : tolerance

The new rules allow managers greater leeway in making decisions.

Leeway expresses the discretion a worker has, especially in the face of procedures, policies, or regulations.


This implies there might be a certain degree of leeway for outbound flows.

  • 3
    ...and synonyms: slack, freedom, latitude, looseness, leniency.
    – Mitch
    Commented May 8, 2019 at 13:35

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