1. The widening of Sunnyville Drive *for two lanes to four lanes will take six months.

  2. The widening of Sunnyville Drive *from two lanes to four lanes will take six months.

Which sentence is more appropriate? Thanks.

2 Answers 2


Option 2 is the only one the two that is in standard English. I have never heard or seen the word "for" used as it is in option 1. It could be the result of a typographical error compounded by predictive text.

"a —used as a function word to indicate a starting point of a physical movement." part of definition of from on merriam-webster.com

In option 2, "from" indicates the starting condition, rather than a geographical starting point. Just as you can fly from New York to Chicago, Sunnyville Drive can transition from two lanes to four lanes.


The widening of Sunnyville Drive from two lanes to four will take six months.

The second iteration of "lanes" is superfluous.

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