I am looking for a word that describes a team whose members all have different talents, excel at those talents perfectly and are able to, despite their different skillsets, work together seamlessly and effortlessly.

Like a machine or motor whose gear-wheels are perfectly optimized for each other never really creating too much friction but nevertheless the whole motor together roars like a hungry and angry tiger when you hit the gas.

The words well-cooperating, well-established and well-coordinated are not exactly what I am looking for, the German term "eingespielt" does reflect what I mean perfectly, since the word I am looking for should be used in a playful context. Playful to the attitude of the team members for each other yet damn serious about the outcome of the work the team accomplishes.

The context in what I am looking for this word is a sentence similar to this for example.

"A [word here] team of diverse/varying talents trying hard to deliver the next seminal world changing climate control prodigy app."

  • 2
    I don't know that there's a single adjective that carries all that nuance, but the noun-phrase well-oiled machine is a common idiom meaning exactly this. In your context, The team is a well-oiled machine of diverse etc.
    – 1006a
    Commented Feb 26, 2017 at 16:42
  • 1
    Look up *concinnity, synergy, harmonious *.
    – vickyace
    Commented Feb 26, 2017 at 16:53
  • well-oiled machine is just what I am looking for, thanks heaps!
    – lowtechsun
    Commented Feb 26, 2017 at 17:29
  • 1
    That's known as teamwork.
    – Hot Licks
    Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 22:29
  • @HotLicks Yeah teamwork is what I thought of as well, though in the context of the slogan with regards to IT or engineering well-oiled machine sounds great to me, however yes teamwork sure is an option.
    – lowtechsun
    Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 12:02

3 Answers 3


The adjective I would use to describe such a team is well-orchestrated. An orchestra is a team where everyone performs different functions (by playing different instruments), but works well with others in the group as a whole.


"A harmonious team of diverse/varying talents trying hard to deliver the next seminal world changing climate control prodigy app."


harmonious ADJECTIVE

1.1 Forming a pleasing or consistent whole.

‘You only get another go as ‘you’ if you manage to reconcile all the differences between these spirits and blend them into a harmonious whole with the ability to create.’



Used with your example sentence:

A complementary team of diverse/varying talents trying hard to deliver the next seminal world changing climate control prodigy app.

You can see this phrase at work in the article:

Why You Need a Complementary Team of Different Skills When You Start a Company.

courtesy of tintup.com.

Interestingly as this article explains from leadchangegroup.com, complimentary refers to behaviors as well as skills: -

Complementary Fits Extend To Behaviors As Well.

If you have a basketball team of all great shooters, but none who want to pass to their teammates or help play defense, what percentage of games do you truly expect to win? A team of people whose behaviors fits together works more effectively than those who try to stand on their own.

  • You have confused complimentary and complementary. Those are two completely different words. Please look up the real definitions of both of these and then edit your answer to remove the wrong one.
    – tchrist
    Commented May 28, 2017 at 1:14
  • The definition and references are all to the correct word 'complementary' -- only the introduction, your example sentence and a subsequent typed passage have complimentary as a possibly inadvertent misspelling. The auto-correct feature in mobile typing software has often tripped me up in this manner. HOWEVER, complimentary is an entirely different word and an EL learner may go away with a misconception, so please correct as appropriate! Commented May 28, 2017 at 4:39

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