In this sentence, I cannot make up my mind...

Which one is correct? Or which one is better, in case both are correct.

This feature allows setting whether the Application Bar will continue to be visible when the end-user scrolls down the content


This feature allows setting whether the Application Bar will continue being visible when the end-user scrolls down the content


1 Answer 1


I believe in this application one would rather say "continue being". Both are correct, however "continue being" allows for less of a pause in the sentence tempo when read. Being can be defined as in existence and the Application Bar is an instance that can be called into existence, thereby displayed on screen, being is the appropriate noun to use.

One might suggest, if you are looking at properly wording the sentence, add "or not" after "whether" so the sentence would be as follows: This feature allows setting whether or not the Application Bar will continue being visible when the end-user scrolls down the content.

  • Why was this downvoted?
    – Ricardo
    Commented Oct 17 at 22:41

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