The actual quote is:
Un débat sur la monnaie n'a pas encore eu lieu. Il aiderait pourtant à clarifier les choses, plutôt que d'attendre la prochaine crise.
Current translation is:
A debate on [money] has not yet occurred. Yet it would help to clarify things, rather than wait for the next crisis.
The article where this was cited was about money creation and the statement could imply that the system has its part to play in a crisis.
I attempted to translate it into English but "money" in the place of "monnaie" doesn't seem right.
Money is a generic term in English and could lead people to think the quote is about financial or money-related problems and not the monetary system itself.
Wiktionary gives one translation as currency which seems close. However, it could again lead a reader to think specifically in terms of a dollar/pound/euro/etc and not money in the general sense as an token of exchange.
Unless mistaken, monnaie can have a larger sense. What the author is actually talking about is the way any money besides cash is created and I gather he has an interest in complementary currencies.
Any suggestions?