What adjective could I use to describe the typical ‘Western’ wedding custom, whereby the father of the bride gives his daughter away? I need an adjective that describes this tradition, in order to distinguish it from weddings of other cultural traditions.
Today, "giving the bride away" has a very different meaning. The bride's father accompanies her on her walk down the aisle to show approval of the groom. Centuries ago, fathers actually did give their daughters away to their future husbands, since females were property of their fathers
Wikipedia: Weddings in the US
I am reluctant to use "European" because of some European exceptions, e.g. Frisian culture.
Would "Roman" or "Feudal" be appropriate here? I found an answer on a Wikipedia article: Pater familias wherein the term "manus marriage" is used, I believe this has the meaning I require. Would the Latin expression, manus marriage, be understood by native speakers? Is it used today?