Hopefully this is a simple question, although possibly too simple for this site - if so I apologise!

Which, if any, are acceptable phrases:

...stand for election on a place on the group

...stand for election to a place on the group

...stand for election for a place on the group

I'm immediately drawn to the final option, but the use of 'for election for' bugs me somewhat - I don't know why.

  • Im not sure if I understand your examples. Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:17
  • I touched up the formatting a bit. Do you mind adding some sample words in each of your examples? The second ellipsis is a bit distracting.
    – MrHen
    Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:37
  • they're pretty much unnecessary - cheers Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:46

1 Answer 1


In BE you stand for an election for a place but to a body.
So election to a parliament for a constituency.

You can also stand on a platform - where platform is a policy. eg standing on a platform for tax-cuts.

  • In AmE, elections are not stood for. Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:23
  • Thanks Martin.. my case is BE and your answer makes things a lot more simple. Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:31
  • @Peter, to be fair we can't really stand them either - but there doesn't seem to be any workable alternative
    – mgb
    Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:53
  • I don't thing I've ever heard of a candidate "standing on a platform" in AE, except maybe in the most literal sense. A candidate can be said to stand for a position or issue--"he stands for tax cuts"--although we would be much more likely to simply say "He supports tax cuts."
    – phenry
    Commented May 10, 2011 at 22:19
  • @Martin: Googling, I find that it appears that candidates "stand on a platform" in England, Scotland, Australia, and Singapore, but not usually in the U.S. In AmE, we would run for election and run on a platform of tax cuts. Strangely, though, despite running instead of standing, our politicians don't appear to be any more athletic than yours. Commented May 10, 2011 at 22:46

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