I am trying to write a sentence like
Country X is way behind in terms of animal rights compared to other countries.
I think the phrase way behind is colloquial but I cannot think of a “proper” alternative phrase for it.
I am trying to write a sentence like
Country X is way behind in terms of animal rights compared to other countries.
I think the phrase way behind is colloquial but I cannot think of a “proper” alternative phrase for it.
How about using the word lag? This seems like the most natural way to phrase the sentence while keeping the structure intact.
"Country X lags behind in animal rights compared to other countries."
Straggle is another option. Pick whichever sounds best to you.
"Country X is a straggler in animal rights compared to other countries."
"Country X straggles in animal rights compared to other countries."
"...maintains a more conservative approach toward enacting animal rights than/compared to..."
This would be less likely to offend "A".