In the last few decades technology has changed many of our daily habits. Making phone calls, keeping social contacts, booking a hotel or a flight, reading digital maps, online newspapers, books and dictionaries, just to name a few things that not so many years ago required more time and often the help of other professional figures. Bad or good this trend, often called technology evolution, is probably going to accelerate in the foreseeable future. What other expressions can you suggest to describe this unavoidable trend.

  • I love how each generation has to feel special, as if they were the only ones to know radical change. Commented May 26, 2014 at 7:41

5 Answers 5


Many people would regard onslaught of new technology and overwhelming tsunami of tech as accurate reflections of how they feel about the phenomenon you describe.


Mankind in a Transition

is an interesting expression used by Radovan Richta, the philosopher who coined the expression "Technology evolution" that is the name of an innovation & technology related theory describing technology development.

Technology (which Richta defines as "a material entity created by the application of mental and physical effort to nature in order to achieve some value") evolves in three stages: tools, machine, automation. This evolution, he says, follows two trends: the replacement of physical labour with more efficient mental labour, and the resulting greater degree of control over one's natural environment, including an ability to transform raw materials into ever more complex and pliable products.


The simple word progress sometimes is used (eg, in phrases like “That's progress for you” or “the high price of progress”) to encompass the idea that change is rapid, and while perhaps evolutionary, often disconcerting. Progress also is part of the term progress trap, which refers to

the condition human societies experience when, in pursuing progress through human ingenuity, they inadvertently introduce problems they do not have the resources or political will to solve, for fear of short-term losses in status, stability or quality of life.

The progress trap term suggests that some avenues of evolutionary progress are dead ends.


"The Law of Accelerating Returns" was used by Ray Kurzweil to refer to the phenomenon you described.



You might want to consider the terms exponential, accelerating or increasing, with respect to the pace, progress, advancement or similar of technology.

For example:

We live in a time where advances in technology occur exponentially. Today's cutting edge tech, maybe obsolete tomorrow.


The accelerating pace of technological progression means that new technology is quickly antiquated and needs replacement.


Breakthroughs in technology are occurring with increasingly shorter intervals. Where a new model of phone might have taken two years to come to the market, it now takes six months.

You might also consider for an explanation as why technology is progressing at an increasing rate with feedback effect or feedback loop.

The feedback loop of technological discovery means that technological breakthroughs occur at increasingly shorter intervals. The breakthrough of one technology allows discovery of other technologies, and so the rate of progress is quickened.

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