"Trollpoking" is a troublesome word, and it doesn't means what it seems to mean.
In angling, which is the original source of "trolling", you dangle bait as you move it through the water (to simulate movement of live prey), to see what will hit on it. It is deceitful, since the goal is not to feed the target of trolling, but to prey on it.
Poking trolls seems nothing more nor less than trolling, in and of itself. In online fora, trolls have no greater purpose than to incite vicious exchanges, and in their most pure form, don't really care about the argument they incite on its own merits, but merely delight in the resultant carnage (in other words, they are deceitful). The respondents of the trolling cannot be, by definition, trolls. The are, perhaps, dupes. The trolls are inciters, and a trollpoker is nothing more nor less than a troll.
My mom really disliked the term "Ma" as pertaining to "mother", and if my brother or I called her "Ma" she would always respond "Don't call me 'Ma'!" In fact, this was so reliable that we would do it deliberately just to hear her say it. In short, we were "trolling". It went like this, one time:
- Me: Hi, Ma!
- She: Don't call me 'Ma'!
- Me: You know I only do it so I can hear you say that, don't you?
- She: Yes, I know. But don't call me 'Ma'!
Gosh, I sure miss her. :-(