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Rules about the word "wife Do I (always/sometimes/never) need to place ‘future’ before ‘wife-to-be"be’ so that it always reads ‘future wife-to-be’?

I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: doDo I need to put the word “future”place future before the word “wife-to-be”wife-to-be so that it always reads future wife-to-be? Or is it already clear clear from the single “wife-to-be”wife-to-be that it refers to my prospective prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time.. I am a real newbie in this forum: I registered here two minutes ago.

Therefore My question cannot, I will be very grateful for any answers! (͡๏̯͡๏)(͡๏̯͡๏)

Best regards

AntonBernador does not want to be, easily answered by Google.

Rules about the word "wife-to-be"

I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: do I need to put the word “future” before the word “wife-to-be”? Or is it already clear from the single “wife-to-be” that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time...

Therefore, I will be very grateful for any answers! (͡๏̯͡๏)(͡๏̯͡๏)

Best regards


Do I (always/sometimes/never) need to place ‘future’ before ‘wife-to-be’ so that it always reads ‘future wife-to-be’?

Do I need to place future before wife-to-be so that it always reads future wife-to-be? Or is it already clear from the wife-to-be that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time. I am a real newbie in this forum: I registered here two minutes ago. My question cannot, or does not want to be, easily answered by Google.

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I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: do I need to put the word “future” before the word “wife-to-be”? Or is it already clear from the single “wife-to-be” that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time...

Therefore, I wouldwill be very grateful for any answers! (͡๏̯͡๏)(͡๏̯͡๏)

Best regards


I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: do I need to put the word “future” before the word “wife-to-be”? Or is it already clear from the single “wife-to-be” that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time...

Therefore, I would be very grateful for any answers!

Best regards


I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: do I need to put the word “future” before the word “wife-to-be”? Or is it already clear from the single “wife-to-be” that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time...

Therefore, I will be very grateful for any answers! (͡๏̯͡๏)(͡๏̯͡๏)

Best regards


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I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: do I need to put the word “future” before the word “wife-to-be”? Or is it already clear from the single “wife-to-be” that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time...

Therefore, I would be very grateful for any answers!

Best regards


I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: do I need to put the word “future” before the word “wife-to-be”? Or is it already clear from the single “wife-to-be” that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time...

I am a real newbie in this forum (I registered here 2 minutes ago...). My question cannot or does not want to be answered by Google...

My question is: do I need to put the word “future” before the word “wife-to-be”? Or is it already clear from the single “wife-to-be” that it refers to my prospective wife?

I only learned English at school as a teenager and unfortunately this rule wasn't explained at the time...

Therefore, I would be very grateful for any answers!

Best regards


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