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Here is a case of ironic rebound mixed with reactance: For the next 60 seconds you must not think aboutpurple hippopotamusesno matter what. ... Stop thinking about purple hippos! Stop!
True as far as you've gone, but while a person can be [a] witness to an event (or the more active bear witness to an event), and later that same person can give witness to (or of) that event, there is no form which would correlate to the OP's desired answer, i.e. for a person to take witness or receive witness from another person.
@Lambie The word glossolalia also applies to non-religious speaking of nonsense syllables. As a case in point consider the politically incorrect faux oriental languages used by some film/stage comedians to make fun of Chinese and Japanese culture:
It appears that two other people (@mickyf & @FumbleFingers) and yours truely (see below) have all landed on the usage of inclusivity as your hypernym for this state. Also @j_random_hacker has mentioned this word in their answer although not as as a suggestion. I detect a trend. :)