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  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
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Do any English synonyms have exactly the same meaning?
@oerkelens Malay and Hindi have tons of words in common because both Arabic and Sanskrit flowed heavily into both of them.
What do you call someone who is used by people behind the scenes?
Fair enough. I guess I take the question to imply that the public is unaware that they are being sold a charade, which is not the case in the 3 cases I mentioned. The figurehead knows it too. So no agenda can be really advanced. Any examples of a figurehead who is a puppet and an agenda got advanced?
What's the word for using power in a morally unacceptable way?
Why not just use "abuse"? In this context the word means a wrong use. So isn't that what you are asking about?
What do you call someone who is used by people behind the scenes?
That's different. The president of Germany or India as well as the Queen of England are figureheads. Bit they aren't puppets.
What is the English word for “team-building with playing video games”?
I think “cooperative gameplay” has become a real term, but it does not refer to what the OP is asking - team building exercises at work or school that use video games. CG is used within the context of vide games, to describe what kind of game it is. Just like football is a team sport whereas singles tennis isn’t that kind of a sport.
Should "Los Angeles" rhyme with "cheese" or "less"
@tchrist Indeed, that’s neat and easy. Thanks for the link. I’m going to have to figure out how to input this with a keyboard!
Why is Nike pronounced "naikee" and not "naik"?
Ha, @JanusBahsJacquet , as I understand, Zoe, Chloe and Phoebe also ended in ε. Other names get Americanized too. Like Noe Valley in San Francisco, which is pronounced no-ee, rhyming with Zoe, but the name comes from the Spanish setter family Noe, from back when California was a part of Mexico. You can still see the grave of a family member in the San Francisco Mission. And in Spanish, there is no ambiguity about the final E. It is not silent and must be pronounced like the E in ‘bet’.
Should "Los Angeles" rhyme with "cheese" or "less"
No offense at all. The point is a good one to make that the "wordlets" I put together are no official Spanish pronunciation (Of which, there can be multiple flavors anyway) but just to distinguish that clealry from the usual spoken forms in English.
Should "Los Angeles" rhyme with "cheese" or "less"
Thanks. Yes, I know. I was trying to approximate it as closely as I could with sounds/words in English. So no "kh" for example. Also the Lows in English ends with a z sound whereas in Spanish it would be more like Loce, but then that isn't a word and would require another pronunciation guide.
What does "Democracy requires politics to lead the gun!" mean?
Sounds like "civilian control of the military".
Word for the sun appearing after rain at dusk?
In India, a word that means dusk, "Sandhya" is a far more popular name for girls than any word that connotes dawn or sunrise.