Linked Questions

8 votes
1 answer

'On the web' vs. 'In the web' [duplicate]

When do we use 'on the web' and when 'in the web'? Roombeats provides image content marketing solutions by linking images to product or brand information and distributing it on the web.
CharanyaV's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What's the reason of prepositioning Internet with "on" but not "in"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “in the internet” and “on the internet” Why do we say "on the Internet" but not "in the Internet"? This seems to be against the meaning of these ...
Gennady Vanin Геннадий Ванин's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Which one is correct, "best wishes to you" or "best wishes for you"?

Which one is correct, "best wishes to you" or "best wishes for you"?
Amirouche Douda's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Do you say content is in a website or on a website? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “On website” or “at website”? Which of these is correct: “Sheila is now in Facebook” or “Sheila is now on Facebook”? Which is ...
Fiona's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Which of these is correct: "Sheila is now in Facebook" or "Sheila is now on Facebook"?

Can I also use in when referring to someone who is already a member of Facebook?
Elisa's user avatar
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Is it “on Facebook“ or “in Facebook“?

For preposition of places, should Facebook, an Internet space, be used as in or on? E.g. Find us in Facebook.
user avatar
3 votes
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"Search this website" or "search in this website"

Sometimes I see the following expression after a search box: Search this website. Some people say that the correct expression is Search in this website. Which is correct, and what is the ...
seeeker's user avatar
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Prepositions with the word internet [closed]

What is the right preposition to use with the word internet? on internet, in internet, with internet?
N. Santiago's user avatar
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1 answer

Is a server "in the Internet" or "on the Internet"

When talking about a server on/in the internet, which preposition would you use? In the question "In the Internet" vs. "on the Internet", it is recommended to [...] use "on". ...
serv-inc's user avatar
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The correct preposition with "Google play store" and "Google" [closed]

I'm a bit confused about using the correct preposition in the following sentences. Which one sounds correct? On the Google play store In the Google play store What about the following ...
KF2's user avatar
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