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4 answers

few followed by fewer issue?

"In X, few had been to town Y. Even fewer aspired to go to town Z." Are these two sentences together correct? Few technically means a small number that could be as low as zero. Based on that, does "...
Joe Black's user avatar
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A word between "several" and "many"

One Couple Few Some Several (Any word that fits in here?) Many ... Example sentence: A cycle time of ___ seconds is achievable. (___ here means a quantity around, say, 10 to 30.)
Museful's user avatar
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What is the exact meaning of 'give me a pair of'? [closed]

Does a pair always means '2 of something' or can it be used more generically to indicate 'a few of something'? What is the exact amount indicated by 'a pair'? Is there a different meaning whether a ...
cerv21's user avatar
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Restrictions on ranges indicated by quantifiers in count usages

I've a query regarding common quantifiers used with count usages. I've searched in various resources such as online dictionaries, but I couldn't find out the fruitful solution. Here is the problem: ...
babunp114525's user avatar

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