I am looking for a word to describe a particular kind of action to avoid a situation, but that action itself acts as a catalyst to actuate the very situation it wanted to avoid in the very first place.

Is there a generic term for such an action?

  • Would saying that the action backfired work?
    – alphabet
    Commented Jan 17 at 15:11
  • No, backfiring doesn't fit unfortunately.
    – cph_sto
    Commented Jan 17 at 15:40
  • Why not? That'd help us find a better answer.
    – alphabet
    Commented Jan 17 at 15:40
  • Well because backfiring is a reaction and I am looking a word for this entire" action-backfiring reaction" phenomenon.
    – cph_sto
    Commented Jan 17 at 15:43


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