I am looking for a single word to describe someone who distributes flyers.
Distributor doesn't seem right, part-timer may not be true, labourer is too generic. Is there a job title for such a role?
I am looking for a single word to describe someone who distributes flyers.
Distributor doesn't seem right, part-timer may not be true, labourer is too generic. Is there a job title for such a role?
Leaflet Distributor seems like your best option.
This company uses the term Leaflet Distributor
While all these advertised jobs also use the same term: Leaflet Distributor.
According to wikipedia
So leafleter sounds good. Infact here's a formal post for such a job opening.
A crazy but fancy (albeit generic) alternative can be Street Marketer.
At least one employer does indeed use the word distributor.
We are always looking for good adult distributors...
What should I do if I'm interested in becoming a leaflet or flyer distributor?
This does seem to be an intuitive choice:
a person or thing that distributes
a wholesaler or middleman engaged in the distribution of a category of goods, esp to retailers in a specific area
[Collins via dictionary.com]
The work itself is delivery.
Is leaflet delivery a full time job?
[Quotes are from Tudor Distribution, which was one of the results from an internet search.]