My partner frequently asks me questions that, when read literally, are questions about the past, but in intent and intended response are actually conditional questions:
- Did you have any thoughts about dinner?
- Did you want to have coffee?
...where the intent is not merely to inquire about the preferences I have established prior to the time of questioning, but also about what my preference might be at the time of questioning. "Would you have any thoughts..." or "Did, or would, you have any thoughts..." might also capture intent, but awkwardly.
I'm quite literal so I've had to train myself out of interpreting "did" as a past tense question of fact, but it occurred to me that it might be a regionalism or other speech pattern where there's a kind of merger going on between "did" and "would", or other shift where "did" is used conditionally in casual settings, maybe in cases where there's the possibility that the answer might have been determined in the past, but also might not have. Even in my examples above, "would" does feel a bit stuffy and formal by comparison, but I've never used "did" this way myself.
Does this interpretation make sense idiomatically outside of the individual context of my partner? Does anyone know if there is any regionalism in play? My partner comes from a family that has lived in Connecticut for generations. My family is mostly from the midwest and south.
Please feel free to correct me if I am misapplying "conditional" or can otherwise better describe the usage here, I will update as I can!
Also, unfortunately I don't have the gift of search terms on this one, so I haven't been able to find any discussion of it elsewhere, but let me know if I can add any research or context.