Dominatrix by root would fit but has become intrinsically related to S&M. I'm thinking of a former Human Resources director, who created a Vice Presidential role for herself - that mindset. She attempted to "take me down" and terminate me, only to be defeated in arbitration.
Our former HR Director was a ______, taking great pleasure in eliminating employees, as she felt was her right.'s #2 definition is correct, a woman who dominates, oppresses, or behaves in a dictatorial way. but I need a word that does NOT have sexual connotations.
I tried,, and apparently Roget's Thesaurus Online has "died", per a link to a 1999 web page.
I found, deep within answers to a similar (but NOT duplicate) question the answer of IMPERIOUS, which with the definition seems to fit the bill. She was hired by committee into the HR role, and against logic, into the VP role as well, so that part was justified. Just not all of the tyrannical behaviour that came with it all. ;)
SOLVED ENOUGH. Thanks to all.